How Do You Pop A Blister Without A Needle?
You can pop your blister with something sharp, like scissors, a pin or a pocket knife. But what's the best way to pop a blister without a needle?
Should A Blister Be Exposed To The Air To Dry Out?
Wondering should a blister be exposed to the air to let it dry out. Does it heal faster? Well, at best, it's inconsequential. At worst, it delays healing.
Blister Healing Time: How Long Does It Take For A Blister To Heal?
Days, weeks, longer? How long does it really take for blisters to heal? Here's a photographic timeline of my last blister showing it took a bit over 6 weeks.
DIY Donut Pads For Blisters Under Your Feet
I’ve got some DIY donut pads for blisters tricks-of-the-podiatry-trade to share so you can get the greatest relief for your blister when you need it most.
When Your Hotspot Has Nothing To Do With A Blister
Not every sensation of heat is a sign of a blister coming. Some hotspot sensations lasts a long time but never turn into an actual blister. Here's why.
Why A Blister On One Foot Only And Not The Other?
Curious why you've got a blister on one foot only, and not the other. It would actually be weird to get blisters symmetrically on both feet. Here's why.
Cutting Holes In Running Shoes To Relieve Blisters
In ultramarathon running, feet swell and toes can blister, badly. This article shows how cutting holes in running shoes can help you can stay in the race.